In Search of the Great Muskellunge

Oil 48″ x 36″
The three women in this painting are each strong personalities; while developing this canvas, we argued back and forth about everything from politics to the appropriate clothing to wear while fishing in the glacial lakes of Minnesota, where an unchanged-since-prehistoric-times fish, the highly respected and sought after muskellunge, swims beneath in the deep, cold waters, eluding all but the most adept of anglers.
How this trio found themselves in a rowboat, not in the best of moods and outfitted with rods too light, remains a mystery. Our friend in the sunglasses clearly didn’t want to come along, and is making critical comments during the entire trip. It’s my belief that the woman in the front is about to bite her head off, while the more patient woman on our right is beginning to suspect she has a bite. Out in the boat without a net. Or life jackets.
Can this be an analogy about life?